КИНАРИ тайский массаж и СПА

Kinari club

Dear friends, partners and guests! We want You to know that for us, You are not just clients or customers – You are our guests and we value your attitude towards us, that You have chosen Kinari Thai SPA in Kiev, from a line of salons and centers of Thai massage and SPA salons and come to us for health and positive emotions.
We believe that the basis of the success of any company is its customers and we will do our best not to disappoint you. For those who come to us again and again, we have issued special cards that are designed to emphasize our attitude towards You and Your privileges in the eyes of others. 

This is the Kinari Club Card.

“Guest card” of the Kinari Club iissued after 5 visits to the Kinari, Thai massage and SPA or after making an advance payment for Kinari services in the amount of 5000 UAH. or after purchasing 5 Kinari Gift Certificates at once. 

The Kinari Club guest card entitles you to a 10% discount on the payment for salon services. 

After 5 visits to the Kinari SPA, (or the purchase of 5 Gift Certificates,) with a Guest Card, the Guest is presented with a “Club Card”, which entitles them to a 20% discount on payment for Kinari services. 

The Club Card is also awarded with a one-time purchase of 10 Gift Certificates for all Kinari services, at least an hour duration. 

In addition, other pleasant, useful and beautiful gifts await the “Club Cards” holders 

Приобрести Подарочные Сертификаты КИНАРИ сейчас!
Заполнив простую форму, Вы можете порадовать своих близких, друзей или деловых партнеров полезным и приятным подарком.  Заказанные Вами Сертификаты, в удобные для Вас место и время, доставит наш курьер.

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    Придбати Подарункові Сертифікати Кінари зараз!
    Заповнивши просту форму, Ви можете порадувати своїх близьких, друзів або ділових партнерів корисним і приємним подарунком. Ваше замовлення Вами Сертифікати, в зручні для Вас місце і час, доставить наш кур’єр.

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      Buy KINARI Gift Certificates now!
      By filling out a simple form, you can please your loved ones, friends or business partners useful and a nice gift. Your ordered Certificates, at a convenient place and time for you, will be delivered by our courier.

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