КИНАРИ тайский массаж и СПА


Easy feet SPA treatment

SPA combination – treatment and reflexotherapy.
The program includes:
• The saline scrub – a peeling possesses excellent disinfectant effect, carefully removes the died-off cells, raises a tonus and an elasticity of the skin. Essential carriage and bergamot oils ideally soften a dry skin, restore an epidermal barrier, and strengthen muscles.
• The Thai foot massage is the technique based on Oriental centuries old reflexology experience. Influencing biologically active points located on foot, therapist softly and effectively debugs work of all organism. Besides foot, massage extends to the shin area that allows to raise a tonus of blood vessels, to remove excess of the collected liquid, to remove a muscular stress, to get rid of heavy feeling in legs. SPA treatment stimulates a blood circulation and improves mobility of joints of foot and a knee, relieves a headache and restores your forces. After a session, you will fill extraordinary lightness in the movements and the raised condition of spirit. 

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