Traditional Thai massage
Thai massage looks like a mix of yoga and shiatsu, and inspired by Buddhist healing arts. The actual Thai massage consists of slow, rhythmic pressures and stretches along the body’s energy lines, also called Sen in Thai. Over 70,000 sen are said, to exist within the body, and Thai massage focused on applying pressure along 10 of the most important sen, using the palms of the hands, thumbs, elbows, and feet. The effort from the therapist’ work to free tension within the body. Therapist also positions the body into yoga-like poses and gently rocks the guest body to “open” the joints and facilitate limbering.
One of the most important principles of Thai massage is the continuous flow of sequential movements that prepares the client for the next step in the massage. The therapist is always aware of his position so that an uninterrupted slow rhythm is maintained. Deep, sustained pressure ensures that the myofascia, or the muscle’s connective tissue, soften and relax in order to release the flow of energy along the sen, and to prepare the client for the maximum stretches as possible.
Special Price for Mo – Fr 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 60 min/ 800 UAH
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